
Security Force Headquarters

13th February 2019 21:42:26 Hours


In view of being a supportive hand for the educational development of needy students of schools located in far off areas in Wanni region, Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Kumudu Perera RWP RSP VSV USP ndu is initiating number of programmes and activities with the benevolent support of philanthropists in island wide.

In that context, students of Paranagama Vidyalaya in Welioya were gifted with 6 new computers with the sponsorship of Commercial Bank coordinated by the Deputy General Manager of Commercial Bank Mr. Yasarath Munasinghe.

Paranagama Vidyalaya Welioya is the one and only Sinhala School in Mullaitivu district and it was not functioned for a long period of time due to the war period in Northern area. In 2015, this school was re opened and students had plenty of difficulties due to lack of resources and facilities.

Unavailability of computers is one such a difficulty that students of Paranagama Vidyalaya had undergone. Therefore, Major General Kumudu Perera is assisting maximum to conduct such type of educational development activities.

The Commander 621 Brigade Colonel Shantha Ranaweera RWP RSP USP psc attended in the event as the chief guest while Assistant Director of Education in Provincial Education Department Mrs Sudharshani Kapukotuwa along with Director of Education Zone in Welioya Mr N W Ramanayake made their presence as special guests.

Senior Officers of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) together with Headquarters of 62 Division and 621 Brigade too were present at the occasions.