
Security Force Headquarters

23rd April 2018 16:57:13 Hours


Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) held the 2018 Sinhala and Hindu New Year in a grand manner on instructions of Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Kumudu Perera RWP RSP USP ndu at the playground of the Headquarters on 21 April 2018. All officers and soldiers serving at the Headquarters and its affiliated battalions gathered for the event which commenced giving priority to traditional rituals signifying the Sinhala and Hindu customs.

The Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Major General Kumudu Perera RWP RSP USP ndu was the chief guest and his beloved mother Mrs. Piyaseeli Perera graced the occasion as a special guest. After hoisting the National flag and lighting the traditional oil lamp, Commander Security Force (Wanni) signalled the formal commencement of the day’s traditional and authentic Sri Lankan games. Skilled organizational prowess was displayed amply by the Brigadier General Staff Brigadier Kuma Jayapathirana and Brigadier Administration and Quartering Brigadier Ranjan Premalal who were instrumental in organizing and supervising the entire event with their subordinates.

During the progress of the event Commander and other distinguished invitees participated in customary traditional rituals to mark the dawning of the Sinhala and Hindu New Year. First lighting of the hearth, commencement of work, first transaction and partaking in the first meal are symbolically done at the auspicious time inside the traditional “Gama Geya”. That was followed by a visit to the Organic Agricultural Farm cultivated in the “Gama Geya” premises and the modal of “Andiya Linda” in the Hindu House premises which showed the ancient rural life style.

Thereafter, number of traditional and fun filled games such as Bicycle race, Road Run, pillow- fighting, raban gaseema, grease gaha, marking of the eye on Elephant, slow cycling, tug-of-war, fancy-dress parade and beauty pageants dominated the day’s proceedings to the amusement of all onlookers.

General Officers Commanding 61, 62 and 56 Divisions, Principal Staff Officers of the Wanni Headquarters, Commanding Officers of under command battalions, all Other Ranks in the HQ along with some family members and Civil Workers were present at the occasion and enjoyed the festival with great pleasure.

At the end of the festival, Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Major General Kumudu Perera RWP RSP USP ndu and several Senior Officers gave away gifts and trophies to the winners in different events and competitions. The grand finale was a star studded musical extravaganza made more colourful by talented men and women serving in Wanni Headquarters.