
Security Force Headquarters

08th April 2018 22:59:46 Hours


An Augmentation Team representing the US Army Pacific Command comprising of Captain Jeffrey D Benton – Director Civil Military Support Team, Staff Sergeant Adam J Scarisbrick– Civil Affairs Planner, Sean G Ireland – Director Information Support Team and MSGTKrupa Christopher paid a courtesy call on the Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Kumudu Perera RWP RSP USP nduon 06 April 2018 at the Wanni Headquarters with a view to further strengthen relations, to understand the military perspective on social development programmes and to learn about such projects implemented by the Army in Wanni Region.

The delegation was presented with a comprehensive briefing by the Brigadier General Staff of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni), Brigadier Kuma Jayapathirane RSP,on social welfare and reconciliation projects carried out by the Army.The briefing was followed by a lengthy interactive session where the US team had many queries regarding the Army’s commitment to reconciliation and social welfare activities carried out by the soldiers. Among other matters discussed were the hardships faced by people due to the prevailing severe drought, lack of livelihood resources & poverty of people, food scarcity / security, uplifting infrastructure facilities of schools and the contamination of drinking water resulting in Kidney deceases in the Wanni area.

At the end of the cordial meeting, the Commander of Security Force (Wanni) extending warm greetings from the side of the Sri Lanka Army presented mementoes to the delegation.