
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:41:33 Hours


Villagers of Selalihinigama area were benefitted with yet another social welfare program organizedby Hemas Lanka PLC to vest a newly constructed Preschool with them as part of the Company’s Corporate Social Welfare concept of facilitating Early Childhood Development in underprivileged villages in various remote areas.\r\n\r\nThis was the 44thsuch Preschool, among a series of preschoolsunder their “Piyawara Outreach Foundation” that was constructed under the very successful Private - Publicpartnership with the Ministry of Women and Child affairs. The 19 (V) Gajaba Regiment contributed by way of undertaking the tedious task of construction. The Officers and soldiers took keen interest and worked very hard to see the completion of the building.\r\n\r\nThe opening ceremony of the preschool was on 30 October 2017 and commenced with chanting of Pirith by the most revered Thanamalvila Piyananda thero from the nearby Salalihinigama village temples.\r\n\r\nEntire process of construction from the very start was handles under the keen supervision of General Officer Commanding 56 Division Brigadier Thissa Nanayakkara RWP USP ndu and Commander 563 Brigade Colonel Upali Gunasekera RWP USP IG Commanding Officer 19 (V) Gajaba Regiment Major Chandhrarathna Wijewardhana and his Second in Command Major Samantha Fernando RWPwas present at the construction site right throughout providing required manpower and making available all the resources that were needed by the construction team.\r\n\r\nCommander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Kumudu Perera RWP RSP USP ndu along with Director - Hemas Holding PLC & Trustee Hemas Outreach Foundation Mr. Saktha Amaratunge, General Manager Group Sustainability & Corporate Communication & Executive Director Hemas Outreach Foundation Mrs. Shiromi Masakorala and Trustee - Hemas Holding PLC Mrs. Azira Esufally graced the occasion as chief guestsin a very colourful ceremony that included few child skits, songs and speeches presented by the Preschool children. The ceremony was organized by 563 Brigade in a very simple and traditional manner.\r\n\r\n\r\nGeneral Officer Commanding 56 Division, Commander 563 Brigade, many Senior Officers, Local Govt officials as well as Officials from the Zonal Education Office – Vauniya, Principals of neighboring village schools, Trusties & Executives of Hemas Lanka PLC and a large number of villagers from Salalihinigama and bordering villages were present at the opening ceremony.