
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:41:18 Hours


613 Brigade splendidly celebrated its 6th anniversary on 20 January 2017 with traditional military customs and norms by giving priority to religious observances with the guidance of Col MWAA Wijesuriya RWP RSP USP – Commander 613 Brigade. Series of events were carried out in line with anniversary celebrations.\r\n\r\nThe anniversary was initiated by conducting “Bodhi Pooja” and followed by series of sports events such as Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Badminton tournaments and Healthy and Fittest Soldier competition were held on 17, 19, 24 and 26 December 2016 and 06 and 17 of January 2017 respectively. \r\n\r\nThe anniversary programme commenced with a Guard Turnout presented to the Commander 613 Brigade by 26 Sri Lanka Light Infantry troops followed by Group photograph and planting of a tree. Thereafter Trophies and certificate awarding ceremony and Address by the commander were conducted during the all rank lunch session. Also first time in the 613 brigade history, “The Best clerk”, “The Best Driver”, “The Best Soldier” and “The Best Civil Servant” were selected among who exhibit the outstanding performance and dedication .\r\n\r\nIn parallel to this anniversary celebration, a musical show was arranged in the evening for the troops at the Gymnasium 613 Brigade Headquarters. All staff and Other Ranks, civil staff participated in the anniversary celebrations.\r\n