
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:41:14 Hours


On a directive of Commander Security forces (wanni) and guidance given by General Officer Commanding 61 Division, a two day workshop on health promotion was conducted at headquarters 61 Division on 11 & 12 October 2016. Around 100 participates including across section of officers/SNCOs/NCOs/ soldiers and Civilian staff participated for the workshop representing Division headquarters, Brigades and Units of 61 Division. Mr. Duminda Guruge, Senior Lecturer at the Rajarata University and a team of four members conducted the workshop covering below areas:rnrna. Child wellbeing.rnb. Family wellbeing.rnc. Prevention of non - communicable disease.rnd. Reducing malnutrition.rne. Prevention of tobacco and alcohol.rnf. Prevention on gender based violence.rnrnHow to achieve happiness was the core tenant of the workshop. Informative lectures, educative practical sessions and group activities were conducted for the benefit of the audience. The general consensus among participants was that knowledge gained through the workshop would undoubtedly assist them to understand their shortcomings and to rectify them in future. All participants extended their gratitude to Commander Security Forces (Wanni), General Officer Commanding 61 Division and instructors for giving them a timely exposure on Health Promotion. A token of appreciation was presented to the instructors by General Officer Commanding 61 Division acknowledging their valued contribution.