
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:41:14 Hours


\r\nSecurity Forces Headquarters (Wanni) commemorated the 67thAnniversary of Sri Lanka Army on 10 October 2016.\r\n\r\nAs the first part of commemorating the Anniversary, all religious activities were held on 9 October 2016 in order to that a Bodhi Pooja, Catholic and Islamic religious blessings had been organized consecutively at SFHQ camp premises, St. Anthony’s Church and Jumma Islamic Church in Vauniya with the participation of Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks.\r\n\r\nThe formal ceremony was held at the headquarters premises with the participation of Col DBC Jayasinghe RSP psc, Col GS of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) as the chief guest.\r\n\r\nThe massage of The Commander of Army was presented after the flag hoisting and a tree planting campaign was followed. Col DBC Jayasinghe RSP psc, Col GS of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) marked the 67thAnniversary of Sri Lanka Army by planting a Jack Plant at the camp premises.\r\n\r\nThe chief guest of the commemoration participated in an all rank tea party at the auditorium with the Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks.\r\n\r\nIn addition to that, the General Officer Commanding of 56 Division, Brigadier IP Ranasinghe RWP RSP psc visited the MRS at SFHQ (Wanni). \r\n\r\n7Finally, A Shramadana Campaign was held at the Ayurveda Hospital in Vauniya as the last segment.\r\n