
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:41:06 Hours


\r\nThe significance of Vesak lies with the Buddha and his universal peace massage to mankind. As the country celebrates Vesak, Security Force (Wanni) troops organized a Vesak Zone on 21 May 2016 in the camp premises to enhance harmony and mutual understanding among all communities.\r\n\r\nVesak Zone was very attractive with colorful Vesak Lanterns prepared by army troops and Dansala took a very special place among the civilian spectators at resettled villages. Approximately 2000 Military and civil persons were participated for ‘Bethi Gee Saraniya’ Bakthi Gee Evening and appreciated this valuable community programme which enlightened their understanding about cultures, with entertainment.\r\n\r\nCommander Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) Major General MHSB Perera RWP RSP USP ndu psc attended the opening ceremony. A large gathering including Brigade Commanders, Army Officers, Police Officers, State Officers, Clergies and civilians attended the occasion.\r\n\r\nIn the meantime Commander Security Force (Wanni) appeared to declare Wesak Zone at Civil Security Force Camp at Irattaperiyakulam.\r\n