
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:41:03 Hours


A graceful evening with charming melodies of carols had been organized on 28 December 2015 at St. Anne’s Church in Mannar by the troops of 54 Division with the guidance and supervision of the General Officer Commanding of 54 Division Major General K M U Wijerathne USP ndu. \r\n\r\nThe commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General M H S B Perera RWP RSP USP ndu psc graced the occasion as the chief guest and Divisional Secretary of Mannar Division, General Officers Commanding of 54 and 61 Divisions, senior officers, officers, other ranks of 54 Division and a large number of civilians had gathered to the church premises to witness this colourful event. \r\n\r\nTwo selected impecunious families were assuaged with essential foods and stationary by giving a meaning to the Christmas, and a donation was offered to the St. Anne’s Church by the Commander SF (Wanni). Venkalai St. Anna’s Choir, Joseph’s Vas Choir and Army Choir teams presented the carols.