
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:41:03 Hours


WANNI INNOVETA – 2015, innovations, arts and education exhibition is being organized from 20th to 22nd November 2015 by the Security Force Headquarters Wanni , coinciding with its 17th anniversary that falls on 23rd November. The exhibition was opened by the Northern Provincial Council Governor, Hon. H M G S Palihakkara on 20 November 2015 at Municipal ground Vavuniya. \r\n\r\nNumber of innovations of the soldiers representing divisions, brigades and battalions under command to Security Force Headquarters Wanni, students of Rajarata University and school children of the area are been included at the exhibition. \r\n\r\nWanni Sith Roo an art exhibition that exhibits the art skills of school and university students in Wanni region and soldiers of security Force Wanni is also been conducted .\r\n\r\nAwareness programs on Child protection and Gender Abuses, Traffic Accidents and Road Safety, dangerous drugs and prevention of renal diseases are also conducted by the relevant institutions.\r\n\r\nGeneral Officer Commanding of 54 Division Major General K M U Wijerathne USP ndu welcomed the invitees on behalf of the Commander Security Force Wanni. General Officers Commanding, Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers, Senior Officers, Officers and other ranks witnessed the event. A large number of school students and civilians too had flocked to view the exhibition.