
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:41:00 Hours


In accordance with the concept of Commander Security Forces (Wanni), Major General MHSB Perera RWP RSP USP ndu psc, to develop volleyball, the national sport, among rural areas and within the Army, 62 Division organised a volleyball tournament between the schools in Welioya area. It was conducted in the 62 Division outdoor volleyball court which is also one of the five well equipped volleyball courts constructed in the Wanni theatre in promoting the volleyball. Finals were conducted on 30 Jul 15. Commander Security Forces (Wanni) graced the ceremony as the chief guest on the invitation of the Brigadier KGD Perera RWP RSP US IG, General Officer Commanding of the 62 Division. Girls championship was won by the Mahasen Maha Vidyalaya and after a hard fought battle Parakramapura Maha Vidyalaya won the boys championship. Teachers and parents highly appreciated the effort taken by the 62 Division to promote the Volleyball in a rural area like Welioya. Commander Security Forces (Wanni) and a sales executive officer from Nestle gave away the certificates, medals and trophies. Nestle sponsored the event.