
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:41:00 Hours


According to the coordination and direction of Commander 622 Brigade, 2 X steel cupboards were donated to the Helambawewa Preschool on 03 July 2015. Financial contribution was done by Mr Gamini Perera about Rs. 22,000.00 (1 X cupboard worth of Rs.11,000.00).\r\n\r\n622 Bde coordinated an education development program for the school children who suppose to sit for the grade five scholarships on 04 and 05 July 2015. It was conducted by Mr Jayashantha and Ananda Rathnakumara from education section of National Museum Department. Initially, it was held at Kiriibbanwewa school, no of participants (on 04 July 2015) – 92 students and 214 students participated on 05 July 2015 at Jayanthiwewa school. The Commander 622 Brigade, Civil Affairs Officer 622 Brigade, School Principals and teachers were attended for the event.