
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:58 Hours


The 61 Division\'s New Year Celebration was held at the Division premises on 7th April 2015 from the morning during the day in a grand ceremony with the participation of Army personnel and a large number of Sinhala and Tamil civilians.\r\n\r\n\r\nA range of games had been organized at the celebration, including Marathon, Bicycle Race, Awurudu Kumara and Awurudu Kumariya pageants, for both Civilians and Army personnel. The background was created with cultural inheritance items of traditional Sinhala Hindu village setup such as granary, gardening, crib, hen coop and cart. Sinhala and Hindu New Year customs were conducted at these created traditional houses and it was significant that the guests were offered with a lunch including delicious and local food wrapped with lotus leaves. \r\n\r\n\r\nThe winners received their prizes from the chief guest, General Officer Commanding of 21 Division Major General P S U Vithanage RSP ndu, accompanied by the General Officer Commanding of 61 Division Brigadier W A Wanniaarachchi RWP RSP USP psc. \r\n\r\n\r\nThe evening was adorned with a colourful Musical Night of \'Seeduwa Sakura\' and a large gathering of civilians and Army personnel joined and enjoyed the songs sung by veteran singers. Simultaneously Certificates and awards for the champions and runners up of the Elle tournament were awarded by the General Officer Commanding of 21 Division.