
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:53 Hours


One of the energetic evening was curtained down by awarding Inter Divisions Football Championship Wanni 2014 for 62 Division overthrowing the Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) football team after a diligent competition. This final tournament was held at the Football Stadium at University of Rajarata on 28th October 2014. The best player of the series award was won by S/ 274480 Pte Karunarathna PHSA from Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) team while S/430569 L/Cpl Sandaruwan from 62 Division’s football team was being awarded with the trophy for the best player of the final match. The best goal keeper was S/ 468795 Cpl Bandara BGTS from 62 Division. The trophies and certificates for the winners were given away by the chief Guest, the General Officer Commanding of 21 Division Major General PUS Vithanage RSP ndu who was accompanied by the General Officer Commanding of 54 Division Major General KMU Wijerathna USP ndu. All the General Officer Commandings of Security Force (Wanni), Brigadier General Staff of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni), Senior Officers, large number of other ranks and school children were participated the event which was organized by the 54 Division.