
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:53 Hours


There are some highly recognized facts to be followed up if any organization, department or an operation need to achieve its goals. 5S concept, that was introduced by Japanese to the world is one of the best method which can be applied for any organization to be performed without error, proceeding in a well regulated fashion, resulting in fewer defective items, there by increasing the overall quality of product. With the concept of the Commander Security Force (Wanni), Competent Authority of Resettlement of Displaced Personnel in Northern Province Major General M H S B Perera RWP RSP USP ndu psc to enhance the efficiency and productivity of Security Forces (Wanni), a lecture was conducted for the troops under commanding to Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) area of Responsible, on 15th September 2014 at the auditorium Security Force Headquarters (Wanni). Lieutenant Colonel M M Thusitha Bandara Commanding Officer 16 SLSR and Miss Nilmini Kanthi Somarathna a chief lecturer of National Productivity Secretariat conducted lectures for the gathering. There were around 250 Officers and other ranks had participated for this event.