
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:48 Hours


Under the resettlement program, 13 numbers of newly constructed houses with electricity facilities had been handed over to thirteen families at Veherathenna village ceremonially on 05 September 2014. Mr. Jithendra Gunarathna had funded for three out a thirteen houses and the balance ten houses had been funded by many other donors. Although the value of a house is estimated as 9 hundred thousand, the troops were able to complete it within the margin of 3 hundred thousand as the material and the labour from Army. In parallel to this event distribution of nutritional food packets for pregnant women and distribution dry ration packets for families with small children, had been organized by 62 Division. 50 pregnant women and 25 families had been benefited by this program. Mr. Yoga Perera, the president of SLADAR had sponsored for the Nutritional food packets and Mr. H M Senevirathne from Maharagama sponsored for the dry ration packets. The Commander Security Force (Wanni), Competent Authority of Resettlement of Displaced Personnel in Northern Province Major General M H S B Perera RWP RSP USP ndu psc graced the occasion as the chief guest and General Officer Commanding of 62 Division Brigadier KGD Perera RWP RSP USP IG, Commander 623 Brigade Brigadier J Thanthiriwaththa RWP, Commander 622 Brigade Brigadier T D Weerakoon RWP RSP USP, Senior Officers, other ranks and more than 500 civilians had participated for this occasion.