
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:44 Hours


A donation programme was held at Bogaswewa Village on 13 August 2014 by The Chief Sanga Nayaka Ven. Hettimulle Siddhartha Nayaka Thero (Sabaragamu Province). The Principal of Keraminiya Medical Collage - Kehelpandala Chandraloka Thero, The Secretary of Galabada Koralaye Maha Bhikshu Society - Muththankulame Vimalajothi Thero and other distinguish guests had participated on the occasion. 228 families of Bogaswewa I, Bogaswewa II, Namalgama, Selalihinigama and Nandimithragama were benefited by 228 of dry ration packs. The event was directed by the General Officer Commanding 56 Division Brigadier D A R Ranawaka RSP IG and Colonel General Staff 56 Division Colonel C H M C P K Chandrasekara. Large number of villagers, military personal were among the participants.