
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:38 Hours


A Newly constructed Tennis Court at Head Quarters 62 Division was officially declared open by the Commander Security Forces (Wanni), Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment and Competent Authority for Resettling IDP’s in Northern Province Major General MHSB Perera RWP RSP ndu psc, on 03 June 14. An exhibition tennis match was played to mark the event by Sri Lankan number five tennis player, MM Dumindu Dilum and Kajendran Abarajithan, tennis coach of Royal College Colombo entertaining the distinguish gathering. Having thought to up lift the sports skills of officers and other rankers the General Officer Commanding 62 Division, Brigadier K G D Perera RWP RSP IG has taken a timely decision of initiating such a construction. Commander 621 Brigade, Colonel I H M N N Herath USP psc, Commander 622 Brigade, Colonel K P S Premalal, all Commanding Officers along with officers and other rankers were present at the occasion.