
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:31 Hours


Newly constructed officers’ mess complex in 61 Division declared open by Commander Security Forces (Wanni), Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka Sinhe Regiment and Competent Authority for resettling Internal Displaced Personal in Nothern Province Major General MHSB Perera RWP RSP ndu psc, on 02 December 2013 with a glowing ceremony. Afterwards the Security Forces Commander addresed all troops in 61 Division. This officers’ mess complex was successfully constructed with the excellent guidence and supervision of the General Officer Commanding 61 Division Brigadier DMWWWMRBM Daulagala RSP. The occation was brighten with the participation of General Officer Commanding 56 Division Brigadier DAR Ranawaka RSP IG and General Officer Commanding 21 Division Brigadier HRKP Peris USP.