
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:23 Hours

Land Distribution Programme at Agbopura

The Head Quarter of 56 Division has organized a land distribution programme among the Tamil people on 30 August 2013 at Agbopura along with the government’s re-settlement programme under the patronage of Deputy Chief Sanga Nayaka Ven. Attabagaskada Kalyanatissayabidana Nayaka Thero. The chief guest of the event was the Governor of Northern Province Maj Gen (Retd) G A Chandrasiri RWP USP ndc psc. At the occasion 106 families were given 40 perches plots and out of 10 were given 12 Tin sheets for each to mark the event. The Commander Security Force (Wanni), competent authority of re-settlement of displaced personal in Northern Province Maj Gen M H S B Perera RWP RSP ndu psc, General Officer Commanding 56 Division Brigadier D A R Ranawaka RSP IG, Brigadier A A J I Bandara commander of 563 Brigade participated for the event. More than Two hundred of villagers and military personals were among the present.