
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:23 Hours

Donation and awareness Programme at Bogaswewa

A donation and awareness programme was organized by headquarters 56 division for resettles in Bogaswewa on 28 August 2013 with coordination of SUCCESS SRI LANKA Organization. Foundation stones have been laid for three houses by this organization for selected families and donated Rs. 5000/- for each five pre-school teachers. The SIYRATA KRUSHI of SUCCESS SRI LANKA Organization is going to introduce passion fruit cultivation project at Bogaswewa area and prior to that conducted an awareness programme. The event followed an introduction programme about benefits and facilities of Regional Development Bank conducted by Mrs. Keshala Jayawardane Chairman of RDB. Ven. Etambagaskada Kalyanathissa Nayaka Thero, General Officer Commanding 56 division Brigadier D A R Ranawaka RSP IG, Brigadier A A I J Bandara Commander of 563 Brigade, the Chairman of SUCCESS SRI LANKA Organization Dr. L Weerasinghe, Dr. Shirani Jayasinghe, Dr. Jeewaka Bandara,Dr. Ranjan Muhandiram participated for the event. Large number of villagers, military personals and distinguish guests were among the present.