
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:15 Hours

Resettled Families Given Cement & Roofing Sheets

More than 150 families who came for resettlement in Kelebogaswewa village area under Vavuniya South Divisional Secretariat were given incentives by way of cement and roofing sheets, following a programme launched by Ministry of Resettlement. During a tour undertaken by Minister of Resettlement, Hon. M.H Gunarathne Weerakoon, each family came for resettlement from their alternative temporary shelters in that area, was given 12 tinted sheets and 8 bags of cement. Vavuniya South Divisional Secretary, State officials, Major General Boniface Perera, Commander, Security Forces Headquarters - Wanni (SFHQ-W) and several others were present at the time of the distribution.