
Security Force Headquarters

17th November 2017 15:58:56 Hours

Inaugural monthly meeting of the year 2014 and "Bodhi Pooja Pinkama"

The inaugural monthly meeting of the year 2014 of the Seva Vanitha Branch of the Sri Lanka Signal Corps was held on 26 January 2014 at the Signal Regimental Officers\' Mess in Army Cantonment, Panagoda.

During the course of the meeting, to motivate sports skills amongst disabled War Heroes of the Sri Lanka Signal Corps, the Signal Seva Vanitha Branch arranged a donation of 2 sport wheelchairs, which are worth of Rs, 60,000.00. Miss Poojani Nirmani Malawige of Habarakada handed over the wheelchairs to the Chairperson of the Signal Seva Vanitha Branch, Mrs Sandamali Abeysekera. This donation was coordinated by Lt TSNK Peiris of the 1st Signal Regiment. At the end of the meeting, Chairperson of the Signal Seva Vanitha Branch and members who were present visited the living billet of the disabled soldiers of the Corps of Signal to see the wellbeing of them and also distributed gift parcels worth of Rs 30,000.00 among them.

After the meeting, a \"Bodhi Pooja Pinkama\" was held at Bodhi Rajaramaya, the Army Temple in Panagoda, to invoke blessing on fallen war heroes and the speedy recovery of recuperating soldiers of the Corps of Signal, which was conducted by Ven. Pilasse Wimaladhaja Thero.