
Security Force Headquarters

29th August 2022 14:16:02 Hours


On his way back from the Jaffna peninsula after his first formal visit, the Commander of the Army Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage made his first formal visit to the Security Force HQ- (Wanni) on 27 August 2022 in order to meet the troops at the invitation of the Commander of the Security Forces- (Wanni) Major General Champaka Ranasingha.

A drive-pass presented by Gajaba Regiment troops honored the day's Chief Guest on arrival at the entrance to the SFHQ-(Wanni) before he was warmly welcomed by the Commander, Security Forces-(Wanni). Later on, he was invited to address both Officers and All Ranks inside the SFHQ- (W).

After a few minutes, the Commander, as has been the practice during formal visits, addressed the Officers and Other Ranks drawn from all Divisions, Brigades and Battalions where he underlined the importance of duty commitments and the need for constant enhancement of professional knowledge, ongoing Army’s Green Agriculture Drive and need of maintaining highest standards of discipline of the organization.

Towards the culmination of the address, the Commander of the Army and the Commander, SF-(W) exchanged mementos as the day’s memories.

GOCs of 21, 54, 56, 62 and 65 Divisions. Commander FMA-NC, Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks attended the event.