
Security Force Headquarters

23rd June 2020 17:50:06 Hours


Commander, Security Force Wanni, Major General Dhammika Jayasinghe made his official visits to 56 Division and its under command formations on 22June 2020.

General Officer Commanding, 56 Division,Major General AN Amarasekara USP ndu, extending a warm welcome to the visiting Wanni Commander received him at the Main entrance to the Divisional Headquarts and ushered him for the planting of sapling in front of the Div premises .

Thereafter,General Officer Commanding of 56 Division along with Brigade Commanders conducted a comprehensive briefing about the role and tasks of 56 Division AOR. With that briefing the Commander Security Force Wanni commend his visit to 561 and 563 Brigade Headquarters and subsequently to the under command Battalions of 16 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment and 21 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment.