
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:23 Hours

Visit of Chief of Staff in Sri Lanka Army to newly Re-settled area

The Chief of Staff in Sri Lanka Army Maj Gen A W J C De Silva RWP USP ndu psc and Maj Gen EKJK WijayasiriLsc, the Provost Marshal of the Sri Lankan Army and the Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police have visited newly re-settled villages in 56 division area of responsible on 26 August 2013 to witness the ongoing progress in the villages. Presently two thousand and three hundred families were re-settled in Bogaswewa area coordinating of 56 division along with the government’s re-settlement programme. During this visit Chief of Staff visited “RanaviruPiyasa” village in Kokeliya. The event was organized by the General Officer Commanding 56 division Brigadier D A R Ranawaka RSP IG.A foundation stone was laid for a Bikku residential building at Bogaswewa by the Chief of Staff. The Commander Security Force (Wanni),competent authority of re-settlement of displaced personal in Northern Province Maj Gen M H S B Perera RWP RSP ndu psc, participated for the event Distinguishes guests, military personal and large number of villagers were among the present.