
Security Force Headquarters

01st May 2018 09:43:07 Hours


The most venerated Vesak season is undoubtedly one special event that brings people of diversified communities together from time immemorial. Geographically Vavuniya is an area that is surrounded by Buddhist heritage and history. Vavuniya is also an area that communities of all ethnicities and religions live peacefully in harmony for centuries.

Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) as part of the “Defenders of the Nation” is committed to implement and carry out the vision of the Commander of the Army towards Reconciliation and mending bridges among communities. Hence, Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Kumudu Perera thought it is timely and needy to organize events with true Sri Lankan culture that will bring all communities together to strengthen the bond between communities and uplift peace and harmony.

Accordingly, firstly a New Year festival was organized on 10th April for all communities in the City of Vavuniya where civilians took part in many authentic Sri Lankan cultural games and over 5000 civilians enjoyed a sumptuous lunch offered by courtesy of the Security Force Wanni.

As the second step Security Force Wanni has taken the initiative to organize a “Vesak Kalapaya” (Zone) in the city of Vavuniya during 29, 30 April and 01 May 2018. Both events ably assisted and coordinated by the District Secretary Vavuniya Mr. Somarathne Vidanapathirana and his staff with the theme as “Dhamma way to Reconciliation” and both events were organized under the exhortation of Most Venerable Siymbalagaswewa Wimalasara Thero of the Vavuniyava Sri Bodhi Dhakshinarama Temple.

Vesak Kalapaya commences with a Sil campaign where 1000 people will obtain sil at the Vavuniya Sri Bodhi Dhakshinarama Temple, Vesak lighting from the Camp of Security Force Headquarters up to and covering the City, Vesak Lantern Competition, arranging a dansela to provide dinner for 5000 people each day, “Bhakthi Gee” programmes representing Buddhist, Hindu and Islamic communities.