
Security Force Headquarters

01st April 2021 00:04:34 Hours


Depositing of valuable artifacts and treasures in the Anuradhapura ‘Sandahiru Seya’ square chamber took place on Medin Full Moon Poya Day (28) in the presence of a large gathering of monks and devotees.

The colossal Stupa, a symbol of veneration in memory of all fallen War Heroes who enabled to crush three-decade long LTTE terrorism at the expense of their precious lives, began its construction way back in 2010 after War Heroes won over LTTE brutalism on a conceptual notion of Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa, incumbent Prime Minister. Members of the tri services, Civil Security Department personnel, Policemen and volunteers in their hundreds have been engaged in the completing the project.

Defense Secretary and the Chairperson of ‘Archaeological Heritage Management Presidential Task Force’ (PTF) for Eastern Province, General Kamal Gunaratne (Retd) who has been taking a lead in the project during the ceremony offered a symbolic coffer containing those artifacts and sacred relics to members of the Maha Sangha after the day’s Chief Guest reached the square chamber (Hathares Kotuwa).

Members of the Maha Sangha, headed by Malwatte Chapter Registrar, Most Ven. Rajakiya Panditha Dr. Pahamune Dharmakirthi Sri Sumangala Thero and Atamasthanadhipathi Ven. Dr. Pallegama Siriniwasa Nayaka Thero conducted religious rites and rituals as devotees lined up to offer those depositing objects.

General Kamal Gunaratne (Retd), Secretary Defence, Navy and Air Force Commanders, Chief of Staff of the Army, Commander Security Force (Wanni) and Other Security Forces Commanders attended the occasion.