
Security Force Headquarters

21st January 2022 17:11:01 Hours


The Pongal harvest festival, popularly known as Thai Pongal, is celebrated in the first four days of the month of Thai in the Tamil-Hindu calendar. Traditionally, it is the festival of farmers who depend on Mother Earth, the sun, rain, other natural elements and cows and buffaloes for a bountiful harvest of their staple food, rice. The festival is celebrated with great importance by spreading the message of peace, prosperity, good health, good wishes and fulfilment of desires.

As the true guardians of the nation joining to celebrate the religious activities with the civilians of the AOR the General Officer Commanding of 65 Infantry Division Major General Anil Samarasiri together with the Division Staff and troops of 17 (V) Sri Lanka Light Infantry attened the main religious ceremony held at Ganapathi Kovil at Mallavi on 14 Jan 2022.

After the ceremony General Officer Commanding expressed the compliments and shared the joy with the religious observances and followed by he attended the distribution of essential food parcels and gift items to some needy families in Area of Responsibility in respect of marking the Thai Pongal festival. The Kurukkal of the Kovial and the people highly appreciated the presences of the Army officers.