31st December 2020 20:44:24 Hours
As per the concept of Commander Security Forces Headquarters (Wanni) Major General WLPW Perera RWP RSP ndu, 21 Infantry Division launched a tree planting programme focusing on reforestation on 23, 25 Nov 2020 and 22 Dce 2020.
They were 565 saplings such as Kumbuk, Mee, Mara, Karada, Maadam, Karuwala, Nika, Halmilla and Mahogane planted in the area of Kudawalpola wewa, Poonewa wewa, Galkadawala wewa and Thammennaelawaka wewa.
The programme was organized and implemented with the guidance of General Officer Commanding 21 Infantry Division Major General HLVM Liyanage RWP RSP ndu under the supervision of Commander 211 Infantry Brigade Colonel JKR Jayakody RWP USP. District Forest Office Anuradapura, Divisional Secretary Medawachchiya. Gramaniladari in respective areas, Agrarian, Irrigation Officers and Villagers have collaborated with the army in this process.