
Security Force Headquarters

24th May 2023 18:00:17 Hours


The annual 2023 Madhu Educational Division inter school sport meet is one of the most anticipated sporting events of the year. It has been held annually and this time Madhu Educational Division coordinate with 653 Infantry Brigade conducted at Thachananmaradamadu School ground on 23 May 2023 from 0900 hrs to 1300 hrs.

This most prestigious inter school Divisional sport meet Grade 03, 04 and 05 students attended from 19 schools comes under Madhu Education Division. Number of students attend were more than 456. The Commander 653 Infantry Bde Brig DNC Serasinghe RSP USP and Zonal Education Director were the Chief Guests. The crowed consisted of the parents and almost all the teachers. 653 Infantry Bde and 4 GR Troops treated them with a soft drink for all the participants.