
Security Force Headquarters

13th June 2019 21:23:06 Hours


As a continuation of enhancing the Social Welfare of needy people living in Wanni region, Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) in collaboration with Ceylon Biscuits Limited initiated a long term programme to cultivate Soya Beans in some selected agro lands belong to needy farmers in Bogaswewa and Weherathanna villages.

Under this cultivation project each farmer will be provided 10Kg of Soya Beans to cultivate 13 Acres of farm land. During the period of cultivation, Ceylon Biscuits Limited has planned to sponsor for purchasing fertilisers required to farm the lands. In addition farmers will be afforded with a great privilege to sell their harvest to Ceylon Biscuits Limited with profitable income without any claim of third parties or contractors.

Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) spearheaded this programme under the supervision of Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Kumdu Perera RWP RSP VSV USP ndu and awareness programmes of effective cultivation methods and obtaining maximum harvest will be conducted by Ceylon Biscuits Limited. Farmers will be inspired and assisted to cultivate over 5000 Acres of lands to make a way for a thrive income.

The first phase of this cultivation programme was commenced on 11 June 2019 providing 260Kg for 26 farmers. The initial programme was launched under the supervision of General Officer Commanding 56 Division Major General Prabath Dematanpitiya ndu psc and the event was coordinated by the Civil Affairs Officer of Headquarters Security Force (Wanni) Lieutenant Colonel G A L Kithsiri.

Representing Ceylon Biscuits Limited, the Area Manager of Manchee Biscuits Mr W G Jayantha Dharmasiri together with Area Executive Manager Mr W Ajith Kumara Fernando and the Commanding Officer of 11 Sri Lanka Artillery Regiment made their presence for the occasion.