
Security Force Headquarters

03rd October 2020 14:24:13 Hours


Children’s Day celebration was organized by Security Force Headquarters – Wanni, at Paranagama Wewa School - Welioya on 01st October 2020. In this occasion distribute school equipment to 150 school children from low income families living in Welioya and distribute 60 dry ration packs for selected families for the World Elders' Day.

Over 150 students in Paranagama Wewa School gathered for the programme. The event comprised of traditional dancing events and cultural shows. These events were vividly organized to augment amusement for every child to make their day.

In view of ascertaining and enhancing the artistic dexterity of students having minimum facilities in far-off areas, Security Force Wanni organized a paintings and reading and writing competition with the representation of all of students. A certificate was issued to all Students for participation of the competition successfully. In addition SFHQ Wanni provided a sumptuous lunch for more than 300 children and participators of this event. Finally a musical show was held for the enjoyment of the children who were in there.

The Day’s celebration was more significant to children as they were presented with valuable gift packs after being participating in various competitions and events to the Students by Owner of Kaluthara Prince Grope of Company Mr. Lochana Wikramaarachchi and his family members, Teacher Iresha Anjaani and Businessman Mr. Chaminda Dinesh having coordinated by the SFHQ (Wanni) Brigadier Admin and Quartering, Brigadier JHJ Nishantha USP.

General Officer Commanding of 62 Infantry Division Brigadier MKS Silva RWP RSP ndu participated as the Chief Guest for the day. Commander 621 Infantry Brigade, CCA and CAO of Security Force Wanni, CAO of 62 Infantry Division, Commanding Officer of 14 (V) SLLI, Officers, NCO’s, Paranagama Wewa School Teachers, Students and Parents were present for the occasion.