
Security Force Headquarters

18th April 2020 06:18:56 Hours


The Secretary of Defence Major General Kamal Gunaratne (Retd) WWV RWP RSP USP ndc psc MPhil made his first visit to the Security Force Headquarters Wanni on Friday 17 April 2020, after assuming duties as the Secretary of Defence. More than 300 of Tri-forces, Police and STF personals were gathered for his address at the Security Force Headquarters premises. During his address he appreciated all duties carried out by the Tri-forces and Police to eradicate COVIED - 19 pandemic from the Island and due to the untiring effort and commitment made by the Security Forces Personal the situation of the country has now come to a satisfactory level. And he further went on to say that the assistance given to government authorities during the curfew period by the tri - forces and police was highly commented by the government officials and the general public in the cantry.

The Secretary of Defence was welcomed on his arrival at the Security Force Wanni Headquarters by honoring with a drive-pass and full ceremonial Military Police motor cradle, soon after the Commander Security Force Wanni Maj Gen Rohitha Darmasiri ndu psc warmly welcome the Chief Guest to Security Force Wanni Headquarters.

The Secretary of Defence has recollect some of his memories way back in 2009 and during the period he was served as the Commander Security Force Wanni and mentioned about the work that he had undertaken as the Competent authority for Rehabilitation in the wanni area with the assistance of Tri- Forces .

Commander Sri Lanka Air Force, Chief of National Intelligence, Commander Security Force (Wanni), General Officer Commanding of 21, 54, 56, 62 Divisions and Commander FMA (N/C) and Commander North western, Commander North Central of Sri Lanka Navy, Base comd’s of Anuradhapura and Vavuniya of Sri Lanka Air Force. Senior Deputy Inspector General of Anuradhapura and DIG’s of Anuradhapura and Vavuniya, Senior Superintend of Police - STF Vavuniya Senior Officers of Security Force Headquarters Wanni, Brigade commanders , Commanding Officers of under Command Bn’s in Wanni and other ranks of Tri Forces and Police participated for the Occasion.