
Security Force Headquarters

13th January 2023 18:16:06 Hours


A soldier belongs to 5 (V) Gajaba Regiment of the 623 Infantry Brigade under command to 62 Infantry Division was quick to return cash found from the CDMA of Horowpothana People's Bank on 11 January 2023. It worth of Rs.70400.00 of cash belongs to a civilian, found by Lance Copral Deerasinghe R K D S with the directions of Colonel Ranjith Boodagoda Commander 623 Infantry Brigade and Major Dammika Herath Commanding Officer of 5 (V) Gajaba Regiment took it to the People's Bank Horowpothana and traced the information about the owner of the cash. After conformed the owner with Manager of the People's Bank, the cash was handed over Mr Jaufar Mohomad Musawfer (Owner) appreciated the soldier's exemplary act and thanked him for his considerateness shown towards civilians in the area.