
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:53 Hours


Universal Children$s Day is not simply a day to celebrate with children, but to give benefits and promote the welfare of the children. By giving real meaning for the Universal Children$s Day fall on 01 October 2014, children in Halambewewa area received possession of newly constructed preschool premises. This work of great virtue was coordinated by 622 Brigade. The funds for building materials were provided by Ms Natasha Leamres, living in Holland, Mr Gamini Perera and National Christian Council of Sri Lanka with good deeds while troops under 622 Brigade contributed the man power. The attractive kids concert was staged to mark the event. Simultaneously, dry ration packs for 30 families, each worth of Rs 3000.00 and 492 Tin sheets for 41 families, 12 per each family provided by Yoshida Foundation, Rs 50,000.00 worth of school items, school fabrics and sport items sponsored by Sri Lanka Maha Bodhi Society and Rs 5000.00 worth of water filter donated by Mr Gamini Perera were distributed among the villagers of Hajambewewa. Sri Lanka Maha Bodhi Society, National Christian Council of Sri Lanka and Yoshida Foundation of Sri Lanka were the pillars of this timely important event. General Officer Commanding 62 Division, Brigadier K G D Perera RWP RSP USP IG, Commander 622 Brigade, Brigadier D T Weerakoon RWP RSP USP , Mr Gunasekara and Ms Ambapali Sikurajapathi from Sri Lanka Maha Bodhi Society, Mr Ralften Wimer from National Christian Council of Sri Lanka, Mr Prabhath Delgoda and Ms Thusari Delgoda from Yoshida Foundation and Mr Gamini Perera attended for this social welfare event.