
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:34 Hours


Office complex and workshop buildings for Garrison Engineer Office, and Electrical & Mechanical Engineering field workshop and a accommodation for Military Police personnel constructed by the 61 Division were declared open today (0945, 2 April 2014) by The Commander Security Force (W), Colonel of the Regiment Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, and Competent Authority for internal Displaced Personnel in the Northern Province Maj Gen M H S B Perera RWP RSP ndu psc on the invitation of the General Officer Commanding 61 Division Brig D M W W W M R B M Daulagala RSP. Under the direction of the General Officer Commanding 61 Division Brig D M W W W M R B M Daulagala RSP, the under command brigades were given responsibility to construct these buildings as a rapid project which commenced on 13 February 2014. The buildings for Garrison Engineer were constructed by the troops of 611 Brigade, the accommodation for Military Police personnel were constructed by the troops of 612 Brigade and the troops of 613 Brigade completed the construction of building for Electrical & Mechanical field workshop. The monetary and material expenses were provided by the 61 Division. The project was completed within 75 days. Commander 54 Division Maj Gen K M U Wijerathne USP ndu, Brigadier Admin Quartering - Security Forces (Wanni) Brigadier P S R L Rajakaruna Lsc, Brigadier General Staff - Security Forces (Wanni) Brigadier H P Senevirathne USP, Commander 613 Brigade - Brigadier P A D Kahapola RSP, Commander 612 Brigade Brigadier J C Gamage psc, Commander 611 Brigade Colonel M P Lamahewa USP, Battalion Commanders, senior military officers and large number of soldiers were present at the occasion.