
Security Force Headquarters

25th November 2019 15:13:48 Hours


Acclimatising prior to the first command, the newly appointed Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Rohitha Dharmasiri ndu psc commenced his official visits from 21 Division on 22 November 2019. Before the visit to 21 Division, Commander Security Force (Wanni) paid his respective call to most venerable Chief Maha Sangha at Sri Maha Bodhi, Ruwanweliseya, Mirisawetiya, Abhayagiriya and Jayanthi Wiharaya on 21 November 2019.

Giving a warm welcome by the General Officer Commanding 21 Division Major General Kumar Jayapathirana RSP received the new Commander Security Force and accompanied him to accord a Guard Turnout and Guard of Honour.

In order to mark the first visit to Headquarters 21 Division, Major General Rohitha Dharmasiri planted a mango sapling at the camp premises of Headquarters 21 Division. Later, he paid his thorough attention on the comprehensive briefing presented by the General Officer Commanding of 21 Division in relevance of the Operational and Administrational tasks vested to 21 Division.

On the way, Commander Security Force (Wanni) made a close look on constructions of Sandhahiru Stupa and then visited to Thanthirimalaya Raja Maha Viharaya.

As intended the perceptions to visit the smallest security elements in Security Force (Wanni) Area of Responsibility, Major General Rohitha Dharmasiri made a visit to 7th Regiment of Sri Lanka Armoured Corps. There, the overlooking Commanding Officer presented a brief introduction on duties and responsibilities of the Regiment.

On the way to 213 Brigade, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) visited the Rear Headquarters of 7 Sri Lanka National Guard , Filed Point - 3 Sri Lanka Army Service Corps at Nabadagaswewa and Reserve Troops Establishment Medawachchiya respectively.

Next segment of series of visits was to Headquarter 213 Brigade on 23 November 2019. There, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) was received by the Commander 213 Brigade Colonel KAN Rasika Kumara psc and accompanied him to plant a sapling to mark the visit to 213 Brigade. During the visit he made a close look on the security and function of the Ammunition dump at 213 Brigade and 5 (V) Sri Lanka Light Infantry. There, the Commanding Officer presented a brief introduction on duties and responsibilities of the Battalion. After that the Commander Security Force (Wanni) visited to 213 Brigade and 2 Mechanised Infantry Regiment holyday Bungalows


Visit to Battalion Training School at Manik Farm was another important stopover of new Commander Security Force (Wanni) and there he got a comprehensive briefing on the function, training and administrative of school by its Chief Instructor. While on returning, Commander Security Force (Wanni) made a visit to Army Farm in Manik Farm, Mechanised Infantry Regiment Training School and 2 Battalion of Mechanised Infantry Regiment and listened to a short briefing made by its Commanding Officers.

General Officer Commanding 21 Division, Senior Officers of Headquarters Security Force (Wanni), 21 Division, Officers of under command formations to 21 Divisions attended in the visits.