
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:38 Hours


As the first step of fulfilling a concept of the Commander of the Army Lieutenant General R M D Ratnayake WWV RWP RSP USP ndu psc, on the instructions of the Commander Security Forces (Wanni) Major General M H S B Perera RWP RSP ndu psc and direction and close supervision of GOC 61 Division Brigadier D M W W W M R B M Daulagala RSP the volleyball court constructed at Headquarters 61 Division was ceremonially declared open by Commander Security Forces (Wanni) Major General M H S B Perera RWP RSP ndu psc on 30 May 2014 with the presence of General Officer Commanding 61 Division, Brigade commanders and other senior officers under 61 Division. With the opening of the court the first ever match was played between the teams of SLLI Regiment and Gajaba Regiment volleyball teams. This is the first volleyball court to be constructed in SF HQ (W) AOR under the Army commander’s concept of constructing a volleyball court with 1000 seating capacity at each division headquarter in order to make the national sport more popular in the Army as well as in the country. The volleyball court was constructed by the troops under 61 Division in 68 days fighting all the odds caused by the unfriendly weather. All GOCs, Bde Comds, COs (under the 61 Division), Snr Staff Offrs, Snr Offrs from SLAF & Police under the SF HQ (W) AOR, large no of sldrs under the 61 Division AOR, Volleyball veterans and large no of Tamil civilians were gathered for this major event. On the same day Commander Security Forces (Wanni) declared open the café 61 at Division Headquarters. This café complex is the latest permanent building added to the 61 Division which earlier functioned in temporary buildings. GOC 61 Division, All Bde Comds, Col GS & Col AQ were also present.