
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:38 Hours


"Education is the best thing for our country” Students of the Periyamadhu (East) nursery are now comfortably seated at new desks and chairs donated by the 26th Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry (26 SLLI) on today the 2 May 2014, as part of its community related projects. It was a quick response by the battalion towards the kids in replying to a written request made by the principal and parents asking the furniture last week. The troops of the 26 SLLI carried out this assistance with the blessings of the Commander 61 Division, Brigadier D M W W W R M B Daulagala RSP and the supervision of the Commander 613 Brigade, Brigadier P A D Kahapola RSP this morning. Principal Ms R Habeeza and parents were obviously delighted at the donation. "It$s a win-win situation for all of us," she said. "A need has been met. We had to work with desks and chairs - some without tops, some with only three legs, some broken, resulting in teacher and students’ clothing being torn. All of students now benefit from the furniture donation," she said. Here you are seeing some of the pictures taken at the event. Brigadier P A D Kahapola, the Commanding Officer of the battalion Lieutenant Colonel Col G A D K G Ganegoda RSP psc, Second in Command Maj Rasika Kumara RSP including officers and soldiers and villages participated for the event.