
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:29 Hours


With the direction of the Commander Security Forces (Wanni) Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka Singha Regiment, Competent Authority for resettling Internal Displaced Personnel in Northern Province Major General M H S B Perera RWP RSP ndu psc and under the arrangement of General Officer Commanding of 56 Division Brigadier D A R Ranawaka RSP IG and General Officer Commanding 62 Division Brigadier K P D Perera RWP RSP IG, there were series of events took place in Bogaswewa and Veherathenna villages. On the invitation of General Officer Commanding 56 Division and General Officer Commanding 62 Division, the Commander Security Forces (Wanni) took part in these events as the chief guest On 21 October 2013. Under the arrangement of Commander 563 Brigade Brigadier A A I J Bandara RWP RSP, the Commander Security Forces (Wanni) was able to lay a foundation stone to a new house which is to be constructed by the Army personnel. 10 No’s of houses will be constructed in this area with the immense contribution of own funds of Professor D T Gamge who work in new castle University in Australia. In addition to this event a worth of Rs 1294800/= Seeds handed over by Hadabima Adikariya of Ministry of Agriculture also distributed among the farmers in the village. Furthermore the Security Forces Commander and other Officers visited to the Bogaswewa school which is going to be a National school in time to come. The Commander 623 Brigade Colonel R P D U Rajapaksha RWP RSP had arranged an events for the Security Forces Commander to declar open of the “Ekamuthu” Pre School in the Veherathenna village witch had been donated by A Helping Hands (AHH) Sri Lanka organization and Mrs Thamara Wijesinghe. During this visit in Veherathenna village the Security Forces Commander (Wanni) was able to lay foundation stone for six 6 houses and handed over 03 Tube wells to public in the village. Security Forces Commander (Wanni) visited a resettled family in Veherathenna village who was luckily to have the first child birth in the village after the resettlements. He awarded some present too in addition to the new bank account opened for newly born child.