
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:38 Hours


The Member of Parliament,Chairman of ”Tharunyata Hetak” and attorney at law Hon. Namal Rajapaksa visited the ongoing re-settlement project in Agbopura and Bogaswewa areas on 25 May 2014. The advisor to the his excellency Ven. Bengamuwe Nalaka Thero, Hon. Governor of Northern Province Major General (Rted) G A Chandrasiri RWP USP ndc psc, Deputy Inspector General of Police Vavuniya R J K S W Wickramasinghe, were also graced the occasion. The all distinguish Guests were attended to the briefing conducted by General Officer Commanding 56 Division Brigadier D A R Ranawaka RSP IG. During the visit, MP Hon. Namal Rajapaksa declered opened newly constructed four hermitage building in Selalihinigama, Namalgama, Bogaswewa I, Bogaswewa II villages and erected the first electric pole in Agbopura, Nandimithragama, Selalihinigama, Namalgama, Bogaswewa prior to supply domastic electricity. The genaral meeting also held in Bogaswewa School. The event was organized by the General Officer Commanding 56 Division Brigadier D A R Ranawaka RSP IG, Divisional Secretary Vauniya (S) Mr. M S Janaka, Chief organizer to Vavuniya district (SLFP), Mr. Dharmapala, Senior militory officers and large number of villagers were participated for the event.