
Security Force Headquarters

26th March 2021 12:24:19 Hours


Water leak of the Marailluppaikulam tank at Illeimaradankulam, general area Omanthai Vavuniya was mended by the troops of 21 SLSR with the instruction of the Commander Security Force Headquarters (Wanni), Supervision of the General Officer Commanding 56 Infantry Division and the execution of the Commander 563 Infantry Brigade.

Through this renovation 96 acres of paddy lands were benefited and if Sri Lanka Army did not involved for this renovation it would be serious social and economical crisis within the area. This attempt was highly commended by the people of the area. Moreover the Commander of the Army General L H S C Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil, The Commander Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) Maj Gen D M H D Bandara RWP RSP USP, The GOC 56 Division Maj Gen A A D N S P Dunuwila RWP RSP USP, The Commander 56 Infantry Brigade Brigadier K P A Perera RSP and Commanding Officer 21 SLSR Major N P S K Nilmalgoda RWP USP SLSR including Officers and troops of the 21 SLSR particular the Sri Lanka Army have been highly commended by the villages in the area. District Secretary Mr Saman Bandulasena had provided the requirements needed for the above task and he too highly commended the effort of the Sri Lanka Army.