
Security Force Headquarters

17th May 2021 19:33:27 Hours


As per the Instructions given by the AHQ The Commander Security Force (Wanni) Maj Gen D M H D Bandara RWP RSP USP has directed GOC 21 Infantry Division to find a suitable locations to function a ICC.

21 Infantry Division has found 2nd Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Crops Factory at Wahamalgollewa which is suitable to run a ICC with the coordination of Commander Forward Maintain Area (North Central) to facilitate 250 persons.

Constructions and modifications were carried out by the troops of 2nd Engineer Service Regiment under the supervision of Commander 211 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier M C S K Senaratne RWP RSP within a period of 06 days.

The ICC was officially handed over to the health authorities of Anuradhapura Hospital on the 14 May 2021.