
Security Force Headquarters

21st November 2019 12:52:59 Hours


In view of enhancing the knowledge of Officers performing duties of military establishments under Security Force (Wanni), a programme of quiz competition was organised on 14 November 2019 at the premises of Headquarters Security Force (Wanni).

Based on the theme “Knowledge and Wisdom for the professionalism”, the quiz competition was structured to achieve the aim to enhance the professionalism of officers through motivating them for reading and studying. The main objectives focused by the Commander Security Force (Wanni) were to inculcate reading skills for creating an endeavour to broaden the horizons of military and other fields, develop self confidence, encourage junior officers to achieve a good results on their promotion examinations and enhance the military knowledge among officers to stand as multi capable and competent leader in the Army.

After series of competition held periodically with the presence of officers from all Divisions, the final contest was held between the team represented 21 Division and Forward Maintenance Area (North Central). It was absolutely a decisive completion and all officers represented each team contested brilliantly to achieve the victory. After completing all three quiz rounds, marks obtained by two talented teams were equal and organisers had to grant them a super round to opt out the winners.

The team of 3 Squadron of Sri Lanka Service Corps was emerged as Winners of Inter Division Quiz Competition – 2019 securing 170 marks while the team of 2 Mechanised Infantry Regiment achieved the second place by obtaining 140 marks.

The competition was organised by Forward Maintenance Area (North Central) under the directions of Commander Forward Maintenance Area (North Central) Major General Rasika Karunathilake psc and with patronage of Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Jagath Gunawardena RSP VSV USP ndc psc.

Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Jagath Gunawardena RSP VSV USP ndc psc made his presence by gracing the final contest and certificate awarding as the chief guest.

General Officers Commanding of 21, 54, 56, 61 and 62 Divisions, Brigadier General Staff, Brigadier Administration and Quartering of Headquarters Security Force (Wanni), Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers of under command battalions to Security Force (Wanni) too were present at the occasion.