
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:48 Hours


Being one of the victorious Armies in the world by defeating ferocious terrorist, Sri Lanka Army has recorded an indelible remark in the military history. It is the main duty of each and every soldier to protect and preserve that goodwill in the future as well. For this purpose, it is indisputable that the necessity of availability of the troops with sound minds and bodies. For achieving the above mentioned future requirement, a series of program ‘Art of Living’ was conducted at the Security Force Headquarters (Wanni), during 1st , 2nd and 3rd September 2014 at the auditorium. A humanitarian leader and a well known Instructor of mind and thoughts management, Mr. H H Sri Ravi Shanker is the creator of the concept ‘Art of Living’. The program director of the Art of Living Foundation Mr. K K Ganeshji and his team conducted the program at SFHQ (W) according to the instructions of the Commander of the Army and with the coordination of the training director board, for 110 participants including the Commanding Officers, senior Officers and other rankers of Security Force (Wanni) region.