
Security Force Headquarters

28th December 2019 12:16:27 Hours


Continuing the Social Welfare of enhancing the living standard of deprived people in Wanni region, Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) under the supervision of Commander Major General Rohitha Dharmasiri ndu psc directed to construct a new house for an underprivileged family of Mrs YW Manora Kumari living in Katukaliyawa, Navodhagama one of the rural interior villages in Alayapaththuwa.

After projecting the requirement of constructing a new house, Ms Madhushika Kosta came forward to sponsor financially for the construction of this house and it was coordinated by the General Officer Commanding of 21 Division Major General Kumar Jayapathirane RSP through his personal affiliation.

With the generous support made by Ms Madhushika Kosta working at Teaching Hospital Anuradhapura, troops under Security Force (Wanni) were able to extend this social welfare activity of constructing a house to facilitate Mrs YW Manora Kumari and her two children living with many hardships without having even a permanent shelter.

Family of the selected was the most deserving in this area where poverty is in abundance. Having own home would be a dream if the support of Ms Madhushika Kosta had not been at the moment.

Construction of the house for Mrs YW Manora Kumari will be carried out by troops of 5 Sri Lanka National Guard under with the directions of Commander 212 Brigade Colonel Anil Peiris RSP USP psc and with the supervision of General Officer Commanding - 21 Division Major General Kumar Jayapathirane RSP.

Foundation stone for the construction of house was auspiciously laid on 26 December 2019 by General Officer Commanding - 21 Division Major General Kumar Jayapathirane RSP gracing the occasion as the chief guest on behalf of Commander Security Force (Wanni).

Ms Madhushika Kosta along with her parents, the Commander 212 Brigade Colonel Anil Peiris RSP USP psc, many senior military officers, the beneficiary Mrs YW Manora Kumari together with her two children and number of villagers were present at the occasion.