
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:41:18 Hours


Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) offered its supportive hand to the helpless family of deceased soldier S/5Q02878 Mahesh Kumara AMCL from 5 Sri Lanka National Guard. According to the article mentioned on Lankadeepa newspaper, the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General A W J C De Siva RWP VSV USP ndu psc guided the respective under command establishments to facilitate this underprivileged family in Ethawetunuwewa.\r\n\r\nAs the result of that the Commander, Securiity Force Headquarters (Wanni) Major General J R Kulathunga RSP ndc psc guided and supervised the construction of a new house with the assistance and coordination of the General Officer Commanding, 62 Division Major General B H M A Wijesinghe USP ndu psc, the Center Commandant, Sri Lanka National Guard Brigadier D H M W B Thammita and the respective officials of National House Development Authority.\r\n\r\nThe financial assistance was contributed by Arya Foundation, Ethulkotte. The troops of 5 and 17 Sri Lanka National Guard gave an immense support by providing man power to make success this charity work.\r\n\r\nThe entire constructions could be completed with the cost of Rs. 550000/= in a short period of time.\r\n\r\nThe house warming ceremony was taken place at the auspicious time on 0926 hours on 25 January 2017 with participation of the Commander Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) as the chief guest.\r\n\r\nThe General Officer Commanding - 62 Division, the Center Commandant – Sri Lanka National Guard, Brigade Commanders, Senior Officers, Officers and Mr.Vijitha K Gamage – National House Development Authority graced the occasion with number of villagers.\r\n