
Security Force Headquarters

22nd March 2021 10:44:19 Hours


Under the guidance of Major General D M H D Bandara RWP RSP USP Commander Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) in order to mark the 23rd anniversary of the Security Force Headquarters (Wanni), the troops of 14(V) Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry along with Mr Jaliya Bodinagoda from capital city branch of the Rotary Club and his companions ceremonially distributed school books among the pupils of Daluggala Maha Vidyalaya on 19 March 2021. The event has been supervised by the Commander 62 Infantry Division Major General Deepal Pusella RWP RSP.

Major General DMHD Bandara RWP RSP USP Commander Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) grace the occasion as the Chief Guest and also Commander 623 Infantry Brigade, 62 Infantry Division Colonel General Staff, Civil Affairs Officers of the Security Force Headquarters (Wanni), 62 Infantry Division, Commanding Officer of the 14 (V) SLLI, Officers of 62 Infantry Division, Attorney at law Mr Jaliya Bodhinagoda with his companions from the capital city branch of the Rotary Club, and principal Daluggala Maha Vidyalaya were participated for the occasion .