
Security Force Headquarters

18th April 2022 12:57:09 Hours


According to the SLAWFS 2020 - 2025 and concept of the Chief of Defense Staff and Commander of the Army General Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil , with the guidance of Commander Security Forces (Wanni) Major General C D Ranasinghe RWP RSP and with the supervision of General Officer Commanding 21 Infantry Division Major General W R M M Rathnayaka RWP RSP USP ndu in view of extending a helping hand to outfit low income families in the remote area, a financial donation of each Rs 2000.00 was underway on 11 April 2022 at Nochchiyagama and Thanthirimale areas in ANURADHAPURA district.

This donation programme was organized in the 213 Infantry Brigade AOR by the troops of 2 MIR, 5 (V) SLLI and 4 SLNG under the guidance by Commander 213 Infantry Brigade Colonel L G J N Ariyathilaka RWP RSP, having intention to uplift the living standard of the peoples who are living in the area. The financial assistance for the programme was made by the chairman "Thiyahie" charitable trust Mr Vamadeva Thiyagendaran, a well - known philanthropist cum donor. There were 1021 families facilitated by the programme. The Commander Security Forces (Wanni) graced the event as the Chief Guest and the General Officer Commanding 21 Infantry Division, Brigade Commander 213 Infantry Brigade and group of officers took part for the occasion.